Social entreprise as a Tension Field. A Historical and Theoritical Contribution Based on the Sociology of Absences and Emergences
Jean-Louis Laville, Genauto Carvalho de França Filho, Philippe Eynaud and Luciane Lucas dos Santos in « Social Entreprise in Latin America. Theory, models and Practice », edited by Luiz Inácio Gaiger, Marthe Nyssens and Fernanda Wanderley, Routledge, 2019 Read the...
Civil Society, the Third Sector and Social Enterprise. Governance and Democracy
edited by Jean-Louis Laville, Dennis R. Young and Philippe Eynaud, Routledge, 2016 Introduction, read the PDF.Introduction Part I, read the PDF.Introduction Part II, read the PDF.Rethinking the Relationship Between Governance and Deocraty: the Theoritical Framework of...
New Urban Services: Toward New Relation Between Economy and Society
in “Human Smart Cities. Rethinking the Interplay Between Design and Panning”, edited by Grazia Concilio and Francesca Rizzo, p. 159-174, Springer, 2016 Read the PDF.
Solidarity Economy in the World: Its Perspective in Latin America
Vol. XXXVI, n° 1, Iberoamericana, 2014 Read the PDF.